
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

View From Top Of The Rock

The view from the top of the Rockefeller Building in New York City is spectacular, and the best vantage point to get a true sense of the island of Manhattan.  From one side of the observation level you can see all the way down Lower Manhattan, and out to the Lady.

This view, of course, features the iconic Empire State Building.  My favourite building in the NYC skyline.  Now, as you can see, the Peace Tower, or 1 WTC, is growing in it's prominence, and the other WTC buildings that are planned for that site will certainly make for a whole new view in this direction.

Katie had debated about going to the observation deck of the Empire State Building, but we convinced her that this was the view she wanted - complete with the Empire State Building.  Although, upon reflection, I have not been up to that famous level with the movie-famed caging, so maybe next time!

The Top of the Rock was pretty reasonably priced, and after walking from Times Square in late afternoon, we did not have a wait to board the elevator to the 67th floor.  A lighting show on the roof of the elevator adds to the experience of being whisked up into the middle of one of the tall midtown buildings.

There are three levels here to check out the views from, with outdoor and indoor vantage points, catering to all weather variations, and generous seating for a rest for those city-walking weary feet!
I love this vantage point, taking in the sights below, and picking out things like the Chrysler Building, the neon of Times Square, the location of Grand Central Station.

Looking closely, you can see the bustle of the traffic below, and also the rooftop life that is set up above the city.  So many great patio and garden escapes!

Being aloft NYC, you also get to see the sprawl of the great New York area and her boroughs, like Brooklyn, Queens, and then Jersey City and Hoboken on the other side of the river.  Of course, you can spot all the bridges too, all the way along the East River.

Facing in the opposite direction, you get a sense of the massive size of Central Park, and see all the activity going on down there on the greens. You can also see the Upper East and West sides of the Park, and get a feel for the dense population living along these flanks of New York.

Have you been?  How does it compare to the view from the Empire State Building?


  1. I loved the view from Top of the Rock. My trip last year was the first time I'd been up - I'd only done the Empire State Building before that. The thing I now tell everyone to do is to go up Top of the Rock during the day - because you can get those iconic shots across Central Park, and down to Battery Park - and to go up the Empire State Building at night, because there's no wait time and the view of the city at night is pretty incredible!

  2. I found your blog through Bloggers Community. One day I'll make it to New York. Keep blogging your adventures. Keep in touch.! xoxo

  3. This has been on our "to do" list for several years but we can never manage to fit it into our NYC visits. I think we'll have to move it up the list now.

  4. I loved it! It was a hot day when we went. But we did spend an hour there. A security guard got hit by a water bottle thrown from one of the upper viewing levels and he wax fuming.
    I liked the swarovski wall too.
    And my fave side was the Central Park side - how vast!!
