
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Degustation Lunch at Capital Wines

Being on the Foodies stream of the Human Brochure weekend, I thought I MUST share with you the delicious and beautiful six course lunch we had today, at Grazing.  Here, in Gundaroo Capital Wines Epicurean Centre delivered each dish with their recommended wine from the Canberra region.

The top is the Cream of Tomato Soup, with Hobbit Farm goat cheese toast.  Next was Snowy Mountain Rainbow Trout....drooling yet?

How pretty is the beetroot tortellini with kangaroo tail, above. Pretty and pink!  And delicious - I think this was my favourite.

Next was the Bungendore Smoked Lamb Cutlets, and then we were served Local Free Range Pork Belly Sliders.

Topped off with a Brulee Tart...what a sensational birthday lunch!  A serendipitous occurrence to be here for it, and oh so lovely!

This post is part of the #humanbrochure weekend to showcase Canberra as a destination, which I attended as a Plus One, with Carly Findlay.  We were part of the Food and Wine Stream, in the Australian Capital Territory Tourism initiative. 


  1. Those Pork Belly Sliders look amazing (and like they are very bad for your health). The problem I have with Sliders is that they are so small so I decide that I can eat 6 of them.

    1. Ohhh so good! Luckily for us, there was just one each at the table....or there would have been some over-indulging on sliders for sure! And then our dessert belly may have been compromised!

  2. That all looks so delish!
    Is it a bad thing I really want the lamb cutlets and wine at 11:30am? ;)
