
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Arch and the Pavilion

The sights of Ballarat are just everyday views for me, having grown up here.  But coming back after some travel, my eye is more appreciative of many of the pretty things my home town has to offer.

Of course, I have been home for a couple of days while I float between Ballarat and Melbourne, housesitting and staying back at Mum's, working on university essays and then attending classes back in Melbourne.

These two photos were taken (on different days), on walks from home to Lake Wendouree.

The Arch of Victory was stunning as the sun was setting behind it, catching the light.  This was the very arch that we found was mentioned in a visual display at the more famous, international Arc de Triomphe.

The colours of the Botanical Gardens caught my eye on a lap around the lake.  So pretty, and vibrant! If this was anywhere else in the world, I may have been wowed by this kind of display - although I am not always taken by gardens in a big way.  Still, the blooms and Statuary Pavilion are pretty impressive at this time of year.

I guess it takes time away to fully appreciate home! Although just for a visit, now and then!


  1. I've actually never been to Ballarat. Now it's definitely on the books. I need to go there sometime.

    1. You are the second person to tell me that today! Seems very weird to me! Ha!
      Just avoid the Winter months, and you will love it!
