
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Like A Cat

When I returned home from Toronto and told my old work crew that I had lined up some housesitting pretty much straight away, my old boss commented that I am like a cat - in that I always seem to land on my feet.

I am into my second housesitting gig now since being back in Melbourne, and have one lined up for most of December. Perfect!  My thoughts are that I am collecting a couple of these gigs to obtain solid references, and then I could use housesitting as my way to travel long term, or simply to save to travel more.

Living like these means I am able to explore new neighbourhoods, which is pretty cool. It's also win-win, because I get somewhere to stay, and the owners of the home know that there is someone here while they are away, keeping it safe.

I do have a couple of gaps, so am working on my homelessness now.  Hopefully my good experiences with AirBnB will continue in my home city!

I have managed to complete that "landing on my feet" sentiment to it's fullest this week, by landing some locum Social Work work, on a short term contract. I have work for the month of November at this stage, after being away from paid work for 6 whole months.  Again, perfect!  And I have found that my knowledge of the Disability service system is still intact - programs may have changed their names, but it's all essentially the same.  In just 3 days this week, I feel like I am back to the work I belong to, even feeling like I have made a difference, and helped people in difficult situations.  Right back on my feet!

Both perfect scenarios after packing up my things, and selling everything off, to travel more.  Housesitting and locuming will put me in a good position to save for my next adventures, and keep me moving.  No sitting still here!

This cheeky kitty was found along Queen Street West in Toronto.

1 comment:

  1. I think your attitude helps enormously. You're a doer Miss Tash!
