
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Images Of Angkor

The detail around and on the temples of Angkor, in Siem Reap, Cambodia, are an element that makes the complex all the more intriguing. Imagining the workmanship needed to carve out this door, for example, completely out of the stone....amazing.

These faces are along the inside wall of the Terrace of the Elephants, between Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom, of the Bayon temples.

The feeling of magic when walking around these massive temple complexes, taking in this detail, is unavoidable. So many aspects to catch you eye, and wonder about the ancient civilisation that made these lasting monuments to their way of life.

These ladies are apsara, and are found within Angkor Wat itself. There are so many of them, all along the top layer of the temple, all unique and so beautiful.

This post is part of a series marking 10 years since I travelled to Cambodia to work as a volunteer.

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