
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Lady Liberty

The last stop for our visit to NYC this year was to see the Statue of Liberty up close - something that I had not done on any previous visits to the city.

Katie and I lined up and took the ferry across, which gives you a great view of the Lady, and of the city behind you. The ferry is crowded, and was very hot on the day we were there, but you have the choice of battling the crowd on the top deck, or resting weary feet inside with the few benches around. Same view, out the window!

Once on the island the size of the Lady is impressive, and the view of Manhattan is magical across the water. From the Brooklyn Bridge, to seeing the Peace Tower, and imagining what the skyline will look like once the WTC buildings are complete.

The ferry sells the obligatory, silly Statue hats for a photo with Lady Lib, which had to be done!

The ferry then takes you back, with a stop at Ellis Island which we skipped, being Aussie and feeling like US Immigration wasn't really part of our story. We then made a mad dash back to our accommodation, and off to the airport to finish off our trip together - both flying off in different directions.

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