
Monday, December 24, 2012

Melbourne Food Trucks

Housesitting in the Northern inner suburbs of Melbourne has let me track down the food trucks with some ease, something I have been keen to check out as the popularity of them grows.

I love the idea of these little pop up food stalls, and watching as their wares are prepared right there in the truck is very impressive.

Both the Taco Truck and Beatbox Kitchen pop by very near my current location on a regular basis, so I have managed to sample both.

The best way to plan your trek to hunt them down is to keep an eye on the Where The Truck At website, which updates a couple of times during the day, with lunch and dinner time locations. Plus the map lets you see exactly where you are aiming for.

Both times I visited for dinner there was a little line at each of the trucks, but with friendly staff buzzing within who informed each customer how long the wait was, no one minded.

These gorgeous Summer days saw people popping over from a cricket match in the nearby park, and also saw groups of people gathering around the grass in front of the trucks, picnic rugs and drinks brought along for the perfect dinner.

Beatbox Kitchen serves two burgers, a meat and a mushroom one, and also a side of fries. The flavours of the sauces for the burger was amazing, and made it well worth the walk to find the truck's location.

Beatbox is decorated to be a little sound system with themed menu items, and the extra touch of an old radio cassette player adding to the experience.

The Taco Truck also had an impressive menu for a truck kitchen, with single tacos ranging from chicken and fish, and potato varieties. A combo of two of any combination, plus chips and guacamole, was the perfect dish for an evening meal, road and park-side.

There are new truck ideas popping up all the time, and more of them mean that they are collectively getting to more suburban locations. The perfect spontaneous answer to the evening or lunchtime meal this Summer around Melbourne!


  1. Carly Findlau12/31/2012 5:46 PM

    I want to go to that Gidget one. I also wish I had have eaten mac and cheese from LA, instead of just buying coke. Damn those massive breakfast servings for making me too full. It's my aim this summer to follow some Melbourne trucks around. Great post.

    1. There are so many! That Gidget one looks worthy of a trek to sample!
      Had the most amazing dumplings from one in NYC, too, in Times Square. Yum - hard to beat!
