
Thursday, December 27, 2012

MSW Graduation

Last week I closed the chapter on another academic achievement, by collecting my Master of Social Work at my Graduation ceremony. This one is the one I am most proud of, as it solidifies my work experience into something recognisable all around the world, and gives me that professional title. I am now a Social Worker!

Being gowned up with the coloured hood and trencher at the University of Melbourne, and taking my seat with my fellow MSW graduates felt so special. Inside the grand Wilson Hall on campus, the Academic procession arrived and took their place on stage, including some of the staff that have been part of our MSW journey within our School.

Having a female Chancellor for this occasion felt important and meaningful, and she started off the official proceedings. The Occasional Address was delivered by Professor Thomas Kay, whose focus was very medical. He mentioned some work he was linked with with the University of Toronto, which was a serendipitous element for the evening to my own MSW journey. He also spoke about how a counterpart of his was delivering a similar address in another state and uni, but to a business graduation, whom had to admit to them it was not the best time to be graduating into the world of banking. But concluded that it's never a bad time to graduate from a health field.

Some 200 people then had their achievement recognised, as part of the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences. Starting with a group of undergraduates, the new Psychiatrists, Clinical Audiologists, Epidemiologist, a new Physiotherapist, a group of new Clinical Psychologists, and us as newly crowned Social Workers, collected our degrees on stage.

The Valedictory Speech was given by one of us, a MSW graduate, who spoke about the values we have gained through our Masters journey, and how we will each now take these out into our working endeavours.

Catching up with my fellow classmates, from across my three years of this degree, was pretty inspiring. People have gained some amazing jobs, and have amazing plans.

I must admit, I was a bit inspired by those getting up and receiving their PhDs too....

Thanks heaps to Melissa and Jessica for enduring another graduation ceremony of mine. The fun photo booth photos are actually my favourite part from the night, which was a quirky addition to the event by the Uni.


  1. Congratulations!! :)

  2. Congratulations on your graduation. A great achievement!

    1. Thanks Jess - it was helpful chipping away at a Masters at the some time. Congrats to you too!

  3. Enjoyed reading your blog about your very special academic achievement.X Megan

  4. Carly Findlay12/31/2012 5:17 PM

    Congratulations Tash! How wonderful that yur dream of graduating from Melbourne University has come true. And 200 people graduating sounds very initimate compared to the 5000 at mine!

    1. Thank you! Was pretty special, for me.
