
Wednesday, February 13, 2013


There has been an enchanting house, or 'Ballroom', made of sticks sitting at the edge of Federation Square in Melbourne for some weeks, and it's so cute!

Stickworks is the work of Patrick Dougherty, and was constructed there in the gap next to ACMI, and is part of the Fed Square 10 year celebrations.

It's hard to believe that Fed Square has been there in our city for 10 years. Originally bemoaned as an eyesore, a piece so out of place with the city's surrounding architecture, this piece of modern angles and shapes has now become such a central part of our city, and any Melbournians life, as a meeting place, a place to eat and view the city, and also a place where there is always something going on.

Inspired by the Indigenous works at the NGV, Doughterty has since nicknamed his work 'The Ballroom'. What a grand ballroom it is!

With the size of it, and it's many doors and rooms, you can wander in and weave yourself through the spaces inside. The windows and gaps within the sticks create an amazing light pattern, and also a different perspective of the cityscape around you.

The Ballroom is in Fed Square till the end of the month. Make sure you get down there to check it out, if you haven't already.

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