
Saturday, March 09, 2013

Scenes Around U Bein Bridge

Taking in the sights around the U Bein teak bridge across the lake in ancient Burma city of Amarapura outside of Mandalay was the perfect end to a day of exploring - watching the local families, groups of monks, and tourists alike navigate the platform so high above the water, as the light began to fade...

The boats took the tourists out onto the water for the actual sunset, or picked them up after they completed the crossing of the bridge and landed on the other side of the lake.

Many of the locals were just going about their usual day, heading across the bridge for prayer at the temple, or fishing and fossicking for shellfish on the bottom of the lake.

The movement in the water, from boats and people, made the water iridescent, adding to the stunning scenes playing out as the light faded, from our vantage point on the bank. What a special little pocket of the world! Burma has so much that is surprising and so amazing.

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