
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Miss Chu

When my sister directed me to meet her and the other sibs at Miss Chu's last week, I was pretty excited to discover a new foodie spot to me in Melbourne. I spent way too much of the afternoon before our dinner drooling over the menu on the website, and also reading up on the amazing story behind the girl behind the Tuckshop.

The feature wall, running down the side of the inside restaurant space, displays Miss Chu’s arrival papers to Australia from Laos, with pictures of her parents, and her sibling and herself as a child. A reminder of where these recipes have come from, and the difficulties it has taken to get here, to a tiny food spot in Russell Street in Melbourne (and also in Sydney).

Half of our party arrived early, and given that it is a first in seating policy, we perched on a smaller table in the front outside alcove and waited for the rest of our group. This meant we could take in the cute décor, such as the shuttlecock string lights hanging from the roof, and a range of tea pots hanging above the bar and along the window. We could also peek at the dishes being served at the tables around us, and then smells made our tummies rumble!

Once we were seated with our full group of four, which took no time at all even though the room was bustling, we each perused the tick-the-box menu for ordering, and made our selections of share dishes.

Peking Duck Pancakes, and Satay Chicken and Cucumber Fresh Rice Paper Rolls were amazing, and the Prawn and Crab Net Spring Rolls were light and the perfect morsel of taste. The Lemongrass Beef Vermicelli Salad was melt-in-your-mouth deliciousness, but the Shanghai Pork Dumplings were the dish that was the winner of our selections.

All served with our choice of Green Tea, we all wanted to taste more of the options but were more than satisfied with our spread. This is definitely a find that I will be returning to! In fact. the arrival of the food t the table was so distracting, I didn't take any photos - foodie blogger wanna be fail! - so I will have to go back pretty soon!

I have been thinking about those dumplings ever since! Yum!


  1. I love Miss Chu's. I love the steamed buns - the custard buns and the pork buns are the best. The decor is so pretty - though Sydney's pavement van is more quirky.
    Glad you found it :) We shall go there soon!

    1. Ohhh, yes, many more features on the menu that I am very keen to try!
