
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day Classic 2013

A little group of us joined thousands of other Ballaratians this morning, and walked or ran the lake as part of the Mother's Day Classic.

My 4th year of doing this event, which is in it's 5th year in Ballarat, Katie and Kym signed up to run the 12kms event, with Renee and her Mum, and Michelle and I doing the walk - just the one lap of 6kms!

With the words resonating to this crowd that 40 women every day in Australia receive the diagnosis of breast cancer, the importance of what the fundraising event all hit home. There was a minute silence completed, to remember those we know and have lost to this unforgiving disease, before it was time to hit the track.

Another sea of pink circled the lake for the next hour, as runners and walked in different pink dress, made their way around, battling the wind off the water at many turns.

At the Olympic Rings, a school band played grunge tunes to the passing participants, and a more classical school outfit played tunes out the front of one of the rowing sheds at the halfway point.

Enjoying out Vitamin D fix when the sun broke through, and having a good chat all the way around, this was such a great morning, and an awesome and important community event to be part of.

We finished our lap, and found our impressive runners to be only a handful of minutes behind us in their completion of the two laps.

Another great event put together by the tireless volunteers in Ballarat.

Happy Mother's Day, to my Mum, and to all the mums I know!


  1. Congratulations Natasha! Thanks for sharing your blog on our Facebook page. Glad you enjoyed the event again. We look forward to reading your 2014 post. Anita Zuell - Ballarat MDC Committee

    1. Thank you! I look forward to joining you all for the 2014 event! Well done on all your efforts putting it together each year.
