
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Snail And Others, Roaming Toorak Village

Riding on the tram south of the river in Melbourne, I spotted a flyer about the Sculpture Exhibition being displayed in Toorak Village at the moment, until the 16th. The photos, and the price tags, had me intrigued, so I popped out there on the weekend to have a look.

The snail above was not the only animal roaming this section of Toorak Road, with an Echidna, a "Manrabbit" - and the Mermaids In A Can! Humanly clubbed to death before canning, it reads.

Some of the sculptures are out on the street, and easy to spot. Many are in the participating shop windows, which means you really need to be looking to catch them. Some are in the shop windows in the arcade shopping alcoves off Toorak Road, too.

Ranging from $150, to a whopping $40,000, you take one of these creations home. Some of them have in fact been sold in previous years, and are on loan for the exhibition (the snail, for example), so be careful which you set your heart on!

You can see some more of the ones that caught my eye here. A little sprinkle of art in a suburban shopping strip!

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