
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Cloud Control

A sold out album preview gig - that's how much people are looking forward to the sophomore offering from Cloud Control. They did not disappoint!

Nicole and I met at Fonda for dinner on this dreary Melbourne night, before heading down the street to The Corner to listen to the support acts.

I enjoyed the solo tunes of Ali Barter, a Melbourne singer-songwriter I would be keen to hear more from. The Bloods were not my kind of music, pegged as garage-punk-pop by Triple J UnEarthed!

The room swelled to capacity, the velvet curtain opened, and the band from the Blue Mountains got started. Mingling the new tracks in with the songs from their debut album and EP before that. Some pretty different sounding tracks to start with, before letting out the first sounds of This Is What I Said, which got the crowd involved.

Ghost Story raised a full-house sing-a-long. Promises was the new song that I caught the name of, that felt very Could Control, and loved on first listen.

A slice of Butthole Surfers was a surprise verse in Gold Canary, which totally worked. Awesome.

The harmonies of Meditation Song #2 were dreamy, and of course the massive hit There's Nothing In The Water We Can't Fight was in there.

Buffalo Country ended the night, with that burst of joy that indie-pop is all about, sending us out into the night all warm and fuzzy!

Walking out of the bandroom, I could not help but remember that this band sounded amazing in the open-air ampitheatre at Splendour In The Grass a couple of years ago - I think this is a band born for the energy of a festival. Indoors just stifles that a little bit. They need space to fill with these sounds!

Stand by for the Dream Cave release in August, and then this four piece is due to grace The Forum stage in September. It's going to be another big album from this band, which is pretty exciting!


  1. :O I love Cloud Control! I saw them live a couple of years ago at Laneway Festival and absolutely loved it! Definitely would love to see them again.

    Marlee xx

    1. They are a lot of fun! Luckily we don't need to wait long till they are back in town!
