
Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Weekend brunch is a my favourite meal, and finding somewhere good to go is always a preoccupation of mine. Fandango in North Melbourne is a find, that ticks the boxes!

An all day breakfast is a must! I hate being tied down to someone else's schedule, even more so on a weekend!

It has kitch-ey decor, with plates and cups from the 70s, and a whole host of knicknacks all around the walls and on the tables from that time. So cute!

Housesitting lets me explore new food places, in new neighbourhoods, although to be honest I had been here before because one of my sister's lives in the area.

Fandango is a couple of doors down from the other one in the strip for which people line up for for hours. When I was at Fandango, they managed to seat each party that wandered in...whilst there was a line up at the other place.

The time I went was also just after completing my Live Below The Line challenge, and so I was craving all sorts of foods, but was also wary of going too crazy after the week of deprivation.

I had scrambled eggs, avocado, tomato and mushrooms, on sourdough toast. With a latte before and after. It was an awesome breakfast, savoured and enjoyed.

The service was great, friendly and fast, and ranks as a very good brunch spot in my book!

1 comment:

  1. This looks great! I also love an all day breaky - and a good selection. Will check it out next time i am in North Melbourne.
    I had a great brunch on Sunday - somewhere in Gertrude St but I am not sure of the cafe's name. So good
