
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Project 52: Thursday Afternoon

In the middle of my crazy MIFF week, I took an afternoon off to squeeze one more movie in, based on a couple of recommendations. It's so decadent seeing a movie in the middle of a week day! The movie was Wadjda, and it was amazing - totally worth skipping work for!

This post is part of Project 52 with Jess from FuShMuSh.


  1. I have a soft spot for MIFF. They invited us to premiere our feature film there way back in the early 90s and hosted us there for a week. Had such a great time!

    Dying to see Wadjda too. I've been waiting for a Saudi woman to make her film debut for a long time. I went to Abu Dhabi in the UAE 98 specifically to start a film programme at a women's university and was the first person to teach young people how to make short films. My girls made the most extraordinary little movies - they were especially skilled at comedy and documentaries.

    Sadly, while they made award-winning shorts, none of them went on to make a feature - instead, at the pressure of their parents who wanted them to have steady full-time jobs, they went on to become TV directors, editors and designers or go into PR or advertising. It has still been great to see them establish successful creative careers but would have loved to have seen them make feature films about their lives.

    1. It's one of the best things about Melbourne in Winter!

      How amazing to be part of the film movement in Saudi Arabia! Wadjda is'll be so proud! Surely those shorts inspired this kind of work and storytelling.
