
Friday, February 28, 2014

The Three Sisters And The Blue Mountains

The fact that I had never traveled to the Blue Mountains was repaired just after New Year's this year, after the end of the cricket gave us a few spare days before I was due to head home. A roadtrip day trip was a perfect Day 4!

On a perfect sunny Summers day, and after just over an hours drive, we were treated to the views across the extensive mountain ranges. We wound through little towns and found lookouts to get some incredible views.

It was pretty clear where Megalong Valley gets it's name from - it goes on forever! Deep, green and rugged, scattered with Aussie trees for as far as the eye can see.

This was one of our first stops, and gave us a great perspective of how vast these ranges really are.

We stopped for a typical pub lunch in Blackheath, before continuing on our way down to Katoomba.

There were a few places where the October 2013 bushfires were evident, with regrowth slowly returning the green to the land. But much of the landscape was Australian bushland, and spectacular views across the mountains.

Getting into the area where the Three Sisters are was actually the most touristy area within our whole roadtrip, with shops and cafes set up from the troves of buses that trek up from the city each day. Amazingly, we seemed to have timed our trip perfectly to miss all of these hoards, and had a chance to have a relatively quiet and crowdfree look at the three pinnacles they call Sisters.

The Three Sisters are so named after an Indigenous Dreamtime story, about a three women falling in love with three brothers from a forbidden, rival tribe. As a battle began over these matches, a witchdoctor turned the sisters to stone, here, to protect them. And here they stand.

On the walk from the carpark to the viewing platforms, there were pillars of stone with quotes from people long ago, who had come across these Three Sisters. The one that caught my eye was: romantically beautiful as can be imagined...

Indeed! A stunning piece of Australia.

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