
Monday, July 31, 2006

The Vegemite Tales and Sundae

Last night Nat and I met for mexican and sangria at Chiquito, before heading over to The Venue off Leicester Square for The Vegemite Tales.

A play about the Aussie experience in London, the sharehouse life, the complaints we all have about everyday things over here, and the ultimate procrastination we are all living, away from home and those big life decisions.

Starring Blair from Neighbours and the first Aussie Big Brother, he was larger than life on stage! The Aussie rugby shirts! The play was full of very, very Aussie phrases and mannerisms, very funny. Aussie music before and during interval, when we were walking out for an air break at interval it seemed that the theatre was packed with people just like the actors on stage! Not sure that there were many non-Aussies there!

This morning, Charlotte and I met Laura for brunch at Cafe Laville, in Little Venice, and then went for a walk along the canals, Venice style.

I then popped down to Clapham Common to catch up with Dom, to met her fiance Jason, and go to the Ben & Jerry's Sundae festival. Just in time for a jug of Pimm's and to catch Nerina Pallot on stage, we soaked up some sun and music.

Wandering around after her set, we sampled many different scoops of ice cream - and I must admit I have never eaten so much ice cream before Charlotte came to live with me!! The apple pie flavour, very good, all those chocolate and cookie dough, yum, although, as predicted that Cherry Garcia really did remind me of cough medicine! Hee hee. (More photos)

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Strategy Day

Yesterday, after a week which saw me do two trips on the GNER to Durham and Newcastle for work visits, we had a work Strategy Day. The first half was in the office, and meant to be where we were told where the company was headed in the next projected year...our targets, our projects. However, it did become a bit of an open forum, and I think our poor management got more then they bargined for in frank opinions! The next couple of months should be interesting!

A champagne lunch as a thank you for all our hard work, after the company had won a coupe of industry awards in the last couple of weeks, and then the games began!

We were instructed to make our way to a school sports ground, somewhere near Croydon, and then find our team groups. I was in plum, or claret as we liked to call it!

The hot and sunny afternoon involved games of Rounders (softball to us Aussies), five (or more) a side football, tennis, and egg and spoon races...hmmm. (More photos)

Was quite a funny afternoon, and a chance to mix with people throughout the company. And with the high number of sporty sports in our workplace, some of the games were pretty full on!

Once the current UK heatwave became a bit much for most of us, the cold beer was distributed, and the day got more interesting!

Needless to say some of us struggled to work our way home after the day...hee hee!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Primrose Hill

Charlotte has moved into our house for the next 5 weeks, subletting one of our rooms. After showing her the dreadful commute for the morning routine, and our days at work, she thought it would be fun to get off the tube and walk home.

After a pub meal at The Salt House on Abbey Road, a place that we have always walked past and wanted to sit out and enjoy a pint, we spotted the sign to Primrose Hill.

The highest point in London, it has been talked up as having the best overview of the city. And despite all the inclines, it did not disappoint. From the Battersea Power Station, to St Paul's, the orange lighting of Westminister, and the Gerkin...we could see it all from way up there.

Monday, July 17, 2006

A weekend Roast

In about a week's time, it has been a year since I was last home...a whole year! Wow!

On Wednesday the usual WBBS happened at Little Bay in Fulham, which was supposedly French cuisine. Laura, Heather, Chantal, Vicky and I all met up after work for dinner and our usual catch up session. Was very nice, sitting outside, with lovely weather, good food, and good conversation.

Yesterday I spent most of the day on our balcony with a book, soaking in the sun. We are supposedly having another 'heatwave', which is the second of the summer!! Look out! Hee hee! All of 28C, people!

Today, after getting the idea at dinner on Wednesday night, Nata, Jemma, Andy and I headed over to the Kilburn Little Bay for a Sunday Roast. I haven't had a roast since Xmas, and before that would have been when I was home last! Ahhh, roast lamb, roast potatoes...and dessert! All good! Should tide me over for....ohhhh, 5 months!!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Watching the World Cup

Tonight we have been done to Osteria del Ponte, the Italian pub on Kilburn High Road to watch the World Cup Final. Nata has been very passionate for her Italian roots, and so Jemma, Andy and I were along for the ride.

I have never watched so much soccer, than over the last 5 weeks...including when I was living with the soccer kings in Cambodia! I have picked up loads about the game! Little things. I mean, I still don't have a clue about the offside rule, but I understand the rest a whole lot more!

Barracking for Italy was very hard, and only possible under the idea that if they won, we were beaten by the eventual winner. And with that, the knowledge that if Italy didn't have such issues with gravity, and hadn't gone to the Kevin Sheedy School of Acting...then it could have been ours! Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda!! Hee hee!

Watching the over the top injuries still feels to me like watching the WWF...I mean, come on! Those guys must have the lowest possible biological pain threholds!! It will never be real football to me.

Tension throughout the packed out pub grew as extra time ticked away, and then penalties got started. The room, and the Italy flag errupted! Jumping, hugging, kissing, drink spilling...those Italians know how to party! Hee hee.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Antony & Cleopatra

On Wednesday night, we gathered at London Bridge for dinner and drinks and post-work debriefing, before walking down along the river to Shakespeare's Globe. Niny, Hilary and I met Nicole just outside, before hearing the bell and going in to find our seats.

In one of the Gentleman's Boxes, to the side of the stage, we settled in for the open air theatre in traditional costume, old style props and pulleys, and Shakespeare.

The Globe is a reconstruction of the playhouse where Shakespeare worked, and puts on a series of plays every summer.

Antony & Cleopatra was on the bill for the warm and humid evening, and we arrived into our box just in time for the beginning. I didn't (and possibly still don't!!) know the story, and pehaps should have read a synopsis beforehand! All that prose and old school language! Very hard on a Wednesday night after work! Hee hee

Nonetheless, Cleopatra was amazing, and just when the old Bard's words lost you to other thoughts, she pulled you back instantly with her performance - with a battering of the messenger not to be forgotten any time soon!

Interaction with the audience, with things landing with the people in the pit, and regular laughter throughout, the three hour play was redeemed by these features. The costumes for the female cast were gorgeous.

Ice cream at interval, and a wonder around outside in the courtyard and in the standing pit area of the Globe, we returned to our seats for the rest of the play.
(More photos.)