
Friday, July 07, 2006

Antony & Cleopatra

On Wednesday night, we gathered at London Bridge for dinner and drinks and post-work debriefing, before walking down along the river to Shakespeare's Globe. Niny, Hilary and I met Nicole just outside, before hearing the bell and going in to find our seats.

In one of the Gentleman's Boxes, to the side of the stage, we settled in for the open air theatre in traditional costume, old style props and pulleys, and Shakespeare.

The Globe is a reconstruction of the playhouse where Shakespeare worked, and puts on a series of plays every summer.

Antony & Cleopatra was on the bill for the warm and humid evening, and we arrived into our box just in time for the beginning. I didn't (and possibly still don't!!) know the story, and pehaps should have read a synopsis beforehand! All that prose and old school language! Very hard on a Wednesday night after work! Hee hee

Nonetheless, Cleopatra was amazing, and just when the old Bard's words lost you to other thoughts, she pulled you back instantly with her performance - with a battering of the messenger not to be forgotten any time soon!

Interaction with the audience, with things landing with the people in the pit, and regular laughter throughout, the three hour play was redeemed by these features. The costumes for the female cast were gorgeous.

Ice cream at interval, and a wonder around outside in the courtyard and in the standing pit area of the Globe, we returned to our seats for the rest of the play.
(More photos.)

1 comment:

  1. I love the Globe but definitely no desire to see Antony and Cleopatra! It was the set Shakespeare text for year 12 English in NSW the year I did my HSC and I've had enough of that play to last a lifetime. It's funny because I don't feel that way about other things we studied and I don't think it's a fault with Shakespeare generally - just that play.
