
Monday, July 10, 2006

Watching the World Cup

Tonight we have been done to Osteria del Ponte, the Italian pub on Kilburn High Road to watch the World Cup Final. Nata has been very passionate for her Italian roots, and so Jemma, Andy and I were along for the ride.

I have never watched so much soccer, than over the last 5 weeks...including when I was living with the soccer kings in Cambodia! I have picked up loads about the game! Little things. I mean, I still don't have a clue about the offside rule, but I understand the rest a whole lot more!

Barracking for Italy was very hard, and only possible under the idea that if they won, we were beaten by the eventual winner. And with that, the knowledge that if Italy didn't have such issues with gravity, and hadn't gone to the Kevin Sheedy School of Acting...then it could have been ours! Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda!! Hee hee!

Watching the over the top injuries still feels to me like watching the WWF...I mean, come on! Those guys must have the lowest possible biological pain threholds!! It will never be real football to me.

Tension throughout the packed out pub grew as extra time ticked away, and then penalties got started. The room, and the Italy flag errupted! Jumping, hugging, kissing, drink spilling...those Italians know how to party! Hee hee.

1 comment:

  1. and if only Australia actually scored a goal in the match against Italy... *G* you're being a typical Aussie Tash!
