
Thursday, November 30, 2006

Ballarat pop in

With plans to travel around my home country for the Summer, I thought that a pop in to home while I could between tests was in my best interests. An antidote to my homesickness, a chance to catch up with Mum and the girls, and to get some things sorted. A few home cooked meals and my washing done was a bonus!!

Arriving into Avalon from Brisbane on Tuesday afternoon, I was greeted by two of my sisters, decked out in party hats and streamers...dorks! I don't think I gave them the reaction that all their planning had been aiming for....but it was the domestic shed terminal!!

Was great to see Miss Jessie and Miss Katie, and they picked me up, drove me home to Ballarat, and then we went straight to the pub! Now we are talking! We were the first patrons at The Bended Elbow, and also the last to leave. A great day in the beer garden catching up on stories and general family gossip. Andrea also popped in for a cheeky (non-alcoholic) drink, to catch up - and I got to see the baby bump at last!!

Not too much has changed here at home, except for the drought. The girls too me past the iconic Lake Wendouree on the way to the pub...which is not more. Dried up, it would be possible to walk over the lake rather than around it now. Very sad to see. Very scary.

Yesterday I had a psychometric test for a potential job for after we win The Ashes, and then a much craved roast dinner at home with Mum. Today I have sorted out bits and pieces, and about about to pack for the next leg of the Summer of Tash. Dinner at Thai Fusion here in Ballarat, before getting to Avalon again.

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