
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Victory at the 'Gabba

Shaking our heads at the uninforced follow-on decision, we came away from the 'Gabba with the win eventually...with no day off for us!

The Barmy Army were all together for play on Day 5, and in full, loud, unstopping form. 'It's gonna rain in a minute' and then the rendition of 'Singing in the Rain' with umbrellas aloft, they were very funny. Showing that they just wanted to sing (rather than whatever it is that security measures are preventing), they stood and clapped and cheered for the whole days play. Warney gives them plenty of material, with 'Where's your missus gone?' and 'Warney, send a text', and then their chant of 'Your so old it's unbelievable'...they were entertaining, and well behaved!

A final jug of beer at the Brisbane German Club across the road from the 'Gabba, we moved on to The Pineapple Hotel for several beers, with the girls on tour. Bea, Remy, Lizby, Kathleen and Reggie, James, myself and Dave were up for a big afternoon. The power, and thus the options at the Pineapple, blacked out, and the crew relocated to The Chalk Hotel, where the Barmy Army was congregated and still singing. A long session here allowed us to see the 1-nil victory result off in style.

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