
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tartuffe and Pre-Season Footy

A total clash of culture for the weekend!

As a bit of a consolation prize for missing Underbelly here in Victoria, following it's temporary ban, Jenny, Mary and I had tickets to see Moliere's Tartuffe at the Malthouse Theatre on Saturday afternoon. We met along Southbank for lunch at Bear Brass, before walking down to the Malthouse, and finding our front row seats.

The stage was central to stadium like audience, remininecent of a tennis match. The simple single lane swimming pool, jutting out from the Toorak mansion was the setting for this modern, Melbourne-ised version of Le Tartuffe.

Funny, dry, sexy, and Barry Otto was brilliant. A cast strong, and who would burst into song at a whim. Marcus Graham, the star attaction for us, appeared well into show, was ripped! Prancing around as the God like creature who had made his way into this home, and this families life and confidence, was perfect! And being pool side for the close ups weren't too bad either!!

After the play, and emerging into daylight, we wondered down to Bourke Street for more drinks at the Royal Melbourne Hotel, to dissect our thoughts. I met Simon at the station, following his flight into town, and we rejoined the girls for drinks, before heading over to the Telstra Dome for the footy.

A pre-season hit out for the nab Cup, Hawthorn played Carlton, and beat them convincingly. We met Mum, and Melissa and Clinton for the match, and managed to sit on the bottom level of the Dome - always a treat for Hawthorn Members, who usually getting shafted with the nose-bleeders in the normal season. A drink at half time on Level Two, and then more drinks at The Turf Club after the match, before heading home.

Friday, February 22, 2008


Last night Nicole and I headed to the Bandroom at the Prince in St Kilda after work for the 'solo and intimate' Gotye show. Meant to be a secret gig tonight, which was actually sold out pretty quickly, he had to put on a second show, which meant we saw him first!

First up were The Basics, which included Wally. A three piece group of lads, with great sounds, and stories and lyrics, and acoustic sounds.

Gotye emerged on stage after lengthy roadie works to set up Mac laptop, keyboards, mics, and whatever else was on stage, to create the sounds and visual show that was. And what an amazing show it was!! I was blown away!!!

Such a talented man! Wally played keyboard, piano, bongos, drums, and also had spine chillingly awesome vocals! I am without speech about how good he was!!!

Hearts A Mess was just disarmingly great! And an encore of We Are The World, with Wally on the piano, with the vocal range to give us each BandAid character. Such a

Monday, February 18, 2008

First Birthday and the Number 8

I went back to Ballarat for the weekend, and hung out with Katie and Mum on Saturday. Sunday afternoon, though, I headed across to the Eureka Stockade playground park area for the gathering to mark Cooper and Charli's first birthday.

Andrea, who confesses to planning this sort of thing for years and years, had a full spread of people, food and play equipment. I was handed little Cooper upon arrival - so cute! - and eventually sat in the sea of kids and toys with him and some books.

Cake time revealed a Lady Bug and Bumble Bee twin cake, homemade by Andrea (who is not meant to have this much time on her hands - how does she do it!!!?). She says the cake and party theme was because Charli is a lady, and Cooper is such a busy Bee!

Following the big party, I headed home to get Mum before her and I bonded at the pub, watching the footy! A NAB cup match between Hawthorn and Sydney, which the Hawks were lucky enough to win! A rush the to train station for me after the final siren to get the train back to Melbourne.

I made it back to the big city, just in time for the first short film showing for this year's Tropfest at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl. Joining Katie, Jessie and Noodles on their picnic rug, we settled in for the 16 finalists - all this year needing to feature the number 8 in some way.

The eventual winner of the night was Marry Me, a show of a school aged romance - but for the audience, or at least gievn the female dominated laughter during the screening, it was about the lengths in which a girl will go to be noticed by the object of her affection. So cute!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Debt Free

It's offical! I received notice in the mail - my debt monster has been resolved! Lot's of hard work, and fereting money away from my reach....but it's done!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


This morning I got into town a little earlier that usual, and headed straight for Federation Square to watch a historic parliamentary sitting live from Canberra, being broadcast on the big screen. Was a momentous day, and one I had to feel a part of!

Kevin Rudd, new Prime Minister of Australia, submitted a motion to parliament to acknowledge and apologies to the Stolen Generation, for the treatment of Indigenous people by Australian governments of the past. Am amazing, comprehensive speech, with anecdotal stories of the hardships of one particular family and experience, and the pledge to work together to move forward on health, education and housing for indigenous communities. He talked of working on the 'stain on our nation's soul', and did it so well. I have never been so proud of Australia.

The Opposition Leader then responded, and really, I wish he had of merely stood and acknowledged the motion to parliament. Instead he proceeded to attempt to justify the previous governments of the past's actions, and talk of alcoholism, rape in the communities, and "doing what we thought was best". The large crowd at Fed Square booed him, chanted 'get him off!', and turned their back on him. A show that the Opposition did not truly understand the point of the Sorry.

Nevertheless, an amazing day for Australia. A proud day, and a day of hope and promise that we can all move together as one, at last.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Luke Watt at Manchester Lane

Last night Melissa and Clinton, Jessica and Heath, Katie and I met up in DeGraves Street in the city for dinner, before heading to Manchester Lane for a night of music.

First up on the bill were The Little Stevies, a three piece band from Warnambool, much aligned to The Waifs, with the sister combination.

Luke Watt was who we had come to see, a mate of Clinton’s, who played his brand of acoustic blues…very John Mayer in parts for me. He had a good rapport with the crowd, and managed to tell a story about each song he played.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Union of Soul

Jessie and I traveled home to Ballarat on Saturday afternoon for the Union of Soul gig at the North Gardens. A big event for the ‘rat, Katie had prepared a picnic pack full of goodies, and drinkies!

We claimed our spot on the grass, in the sun, just as Epicure were wrapping up their set. A Ballarat band to open the afternoon of music, the grass was filling with groups of all ages. Clare Bowditch and The Feeder Set were next, as the sun continued to warm us. A little ‘lemonade’ certainly got our little patch of picnic rug into the evening.

The Waifs were next, and as always, were brilliant. They had the crowd standing and dancing and singing along – and I was very impressed with the crowd submitting obscure requests! They played the favourites, like Fisherman’s Daughter, Highway One and Lighthouse, and the requests like Gillian, and ended with London Still.

The John Butler Trio were actually the main headliner, and who much of the crowd come to see. He pulled out the big numbers, like Better Than, and Zebra, but also played a lot of instrumental pieces…which did lose the crowd around us. Ending in Funky Tonight, with another long jam in the middle. The highlight of his set, however, was when Clare Bowditch, The Waifs, and Epicure joined him on the stage for a song marking the Close the Gap on Indigenous Health campaign, with From Little Things Big Things Grow. Was a great night for Ballarat, and Aussie music.