
Saturday, May 07, 2011

Roadtrip to Yamba

Last Thursday I set out for a big weekend of roadtripping and weddings. Of course, long before the Royal Wedding was announced, I had a 'save the date' on my fridge for this particular weekend, although up until we arrived at our destination, I couldn't have told you where Yamba was!

First I flew up to Sydney, for dinner on Thursday night with the Wilsons. Jess and Andrew picked me up from the airport, and we headed to Marrickville for Vietnamese, and a catch up over drinks. Staying at Casa Wilson again, I then grabbed a taxi out to the airport the next morning, and met Belinda.

Bee and I flew to Brisbane, where we picked up our rental car, and hit the road to the Gold Coast. Travelling down the big lane freeway, Bee managed to spot the sign for Yalata, and so we made a quick detour off the main road, to see The Big Pie. Just sticking out of the carpark at the back of the pie shop, no one but us seemed interested in the Big Thing of Australia - but there were loads of cars lined up in the drivethru to get a pie. Deciding to pass on the pie so as not to spoil our appetite for our lunch date, we hit the road again.

Our Sat Nav with his Irish accent got us to Carl's house on the Gold Coast, where we picked him up to have lunch. Directing us to the Currumbin Surf Club, we sat at the edge of the balcony over the beach, for a great catch up in the alternating sun and rain. Gorgeous!

Back on the road, rather late really, we picked up Lisby just into NSW, and then managed to again fluke the sign for the next Big Thing. As darkness was falling, we drove to the Big Avocado, at a closed Tropical Fruit World.

Impressed that we managed 2 Big Things so far, we then saw the Big Avo another 3 times while we were lost and confused in the back streets of Duranbah and Tweed Heads. Oops! As the rain started the belt down, we found the Highway, and made our way to Yamba, along the north NSW coast.

Arriving at The Sands (after another lost moment), we saw the final moments of the Royal Wedding happening on the other side of the world. Not to worry, seeing the post nuptial commentary meant we knew what to look for in the replay!

We then caught up with the bride-to-be, Belinda, for some drinks, and to hear of the rain for most of the week so far, and the worry and plotting for the back-up plan for the ceremony the next day. Over in Belinda's room, we met many of the girls attending the wedding the next day, and also Brad who had been matched to take the spare bed in our apartment for the weekend. Lucky Bloke!

Back to our apartment to let the bride sleep, we watched Prince William marry his Kate, over wine. So lovely!


  1. Oh I would have got a pie for morning tea anyways. I can't pass up the chance to try a pie.

  2. Ha, we totally pondered for a while, but the absence of a party pie was the deal breaker! They were pretty big! Must be good though, given the drive thru line!
