
Saturday, May 07, 2011

Wedding of Belinda and Ross

Saturday arrived in Yamba, with blue skies and sunshine! Very happy for the bride-to-be, the four of us drove around to find somewhere for breakfast to start the big day. The Pacific Hotel on the beach fed us, and started the drinks for the day for Bee, Lisby, Brad and I.

After getting ready for the day back at the apartment, we then made our way to the site of the Clarence River Lighthouse, and joined Belinda and Ross' friends and family, overlooking the ocean. One of the most beautiful lighthouses I have seen, I am so pleased that Belinda got to have the ceremony here!

The bride arrived, and made her way up the aisle to Ross. The service was light and funny, with personalised vows making us all laugh. Acknowledgement of new adventures, patience for temper tantrums and recklessness. Loved it!

While the new marrieds were off getting photos done, the rest of the congregation wandered along to the Pacific Hotel for drinks, before being bussed over to the Yamba Shores Tavern for the reception.

The Bride and Groom made their arrival to the party on the decking by boat, which was very impressive. Drinks and amazing food morsels were making the rounds, as the party got going.

The meal was a seafood buffet, with the best calamari I have had, ever. To die for! Speeches were made, and the first dance, the evening was filled with laughter and fun.

Congratulations Belinda and Ross! What a great weekend!

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