
Thursday, October 27, 2005

10 Year Reunion

This weekend is my 10 year high school reunion. All the available girls from the class of 1995 from Loreto College in Ballarat are gathering on Saturday to find out what everyone is up to, talk about who has the most children, and to reminiscence about those carefree and easy days.

Can you believe that it is 10 years ago tomorrow that we all dressed up as white angels and ran around the streets and shops of Ballarat, terrorising people on our muck up day??! Tame in comparison to other year levels, sure, but fun and innocent nonetheless.

Of course, the idea of the reunion was a major motivating factor for me to be overseas. I am sure I am one of only a handful of our year level that don't have at least one of the three M's - Marriage, Morgage or Maternity. And let's face it, in the small town gossipy circles, those are really the things that are talked about.

So, I will be thinking of the crew meeting up on Saturday at Gee Cees - hope they have a great day1



    Hope you have a good day (at work)!!

    Love Lissy!

  2. GeeCees is the place to be seen in Ballarat!

    Haspy Birfday!

  3. Thanks girlies!!

    Have just written my apology to be read out in my absence at the reunion - hee hee...

    Hi Girls! I can't be there today to catch up on all the gossip because I am currently living in London. Working as Psychologist in Rehabilitation, sounds like I may have finally gotten a real grown up job. No babies, no wedding ring, and no fixed address for me - just a bad credit rating, frightening HECS debt, and a battered, over-stamped passport! Mission accomplished for me! Hope you have a great day/night, and look forward to hearing what everyone else is up to. Can not believe it is ten years since our day as Angels!!

  4. Can't believe you allowed someone to read out "gotten" on your behalf!!

    P.S Happy Birthday!!!
