
Friday, October 28, 2005

Ewan and Dolls

Yesterday while I was battling the UK Social Services System (what do I need an NI number for, anyway!!??), Jenny popped down to try our luck with tickets for a show for that night. Sure enough, we scored tickets to see Guys and Dolls!

Ewan McGregor and Jane Krakowski (Elaine from Ally McBeal) put on a dancing singing show last night - which was really fun! Ewan sang like a normal person (not that over the top singing we were tortured with in Moulin Rouge!!), and was looking quite fine! Hee hee. We even got to hear his real accent at the end, when he talked to the audience - very good!

When I got home the clock ticked over, and I reached the Saturn Returns years - eww!! Surely I have done all this stuff already - and I actually like what I am doing now. Not ready for any changes!!

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