
Sunday, July 30, 2006

Strategy Day

Yesterday, after a week which saw me do two trips on the GNER to Durham and Newcastle for work visits, we had a work Strategy Day. The first half was in the office, and meant to be where we were told where the company was headed in the next projected year...our targets, our projects. However, it did become a bit of an open forum, and I think our poor management got more then they bargined for in frank opinions! The next couple of months should be interesting!

A champagne lunch as a thank you for all our hard work, after the company had won a coupe of industry awards in the last couple of weeks, and then the games began!

We were instructed to make our way to a school sports ground, somewhere near Croydon, and then find our team groups. I was in plum, or claret as we liked to call it!

The hot and sunny afternoon involved games of Rounders (softball to us Aussies), five (or more) a side football, tennis, and egg and spoon races...hmmm. (More photos)

Was quite a funny afternoon, and a chance to mix with people throughout the company. And with the high number of sporty sports in our workplace, some of the games were pretty full on!

Once the current UK heatwave became a bit much for most of us, the cold beer was distributed, and the day got more interesting!

Needless to say some of us struggled to work our way home after the day...hee hee!

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