
Monday, July 31, 2006

The Vegemite Tales and Sundae

Last night Nat and I met for mexican and sangria at Chiquito, before heading over to The Venue off Leicester Square for The Vegemite Tales.

A play about the Aussie experience in London, the sharehouse life, the complaints we all have about everyday things over here, and the ultimate procrastination we are all living, away from home and those big life decisions.

Starring Blair from Neighbours and the first Aussie Big Brother, he was larger than life on stage! The Aussie rugby shirts! The play was full of very, very Aussie phrases and mannerisms, very funny. Aussie music before and during interval, when we were walking out for an air break at interval it seemed that the theatre was packed with people just like the actors on stage! Not sure that there were many non-Aussies there!

This morning, Charlotte and I met Laura for brunch at Cafe Laville, in Little Venice, and then went for a walk along the canals, Venice style.

I then popped down to Clapham Common to catch up with Dom, to met her fiance Jason, and go to the Ben & Jerry's Sundae festival. Just in time for a jug of Pimm's and to catch Nerina Pallot on stage, we soaked up some sun and music.

Wandering around after her set, we sampled many different scoops of ice cream - and I must admit I have never eaten so much ice cream before Charlotte came to live with me!! The apple pie flavour, very good, all those chocolate and cookie dough, yum, although, as predicted that Cherry Garcia really did remind me of cough medicine! Hee hee. (More photos)

1 comment:

  1. Mmm ben and jerry's....must remember to get tix to that next year!
