
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Dreamy Midsummer Night

Last night after work, I met up with Renee and Graham for dinner, before Nae and I headed over to Regent's Park and the Open Air Theatre to see A Midsummer's Night Dream.

Outside at the moment in London has been awesome, with the ongoing heatwave, although wouldn't you know, last night the weather was a touch dodgy! Cooler than it's been in awhile, and quite windy.

The stage is set in the Park, hidden amongst the trees, with the stands radiated out from it. Tucked away, where you could be anywhere!

The wind in the surrounding trees added to the mystic of the play, although did force the actors to work harder on their voice projection!

As the night grew darker, the stage lighting was more effective, and more enchanting. Lots of fun and silliness throughout the play, and the actors rolling all around the set was very amusing. The rain started just towards the end of the play, and we got soaked getting back to the tube!

Anyway, I am off to Manchester today for work. Better get going....

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