
Friday, September 14, 2012

In The Village

In the village
We believe
That differences
Should enrich
Instead of divide

In a park space just off Saint Catherine Street East in Montreal, these letters suspended in the sky only made sense when you stood on a platform set up just at the right height.

And then, only if you could read French! Luckily there was an English translation nearby, which let those visitors to the city this Summer also get the message of this art installation at Aire Banque Nationale for Aire Libre.

You could walk though this message of The Village, and weave yourself through the red tubes swaying in the breeze.

A powerful delivery through a change of perspective.

The installation was called Manifeste and was inspired by the last sentence of the Aires Libres manifesto written by Guy Corriveau: A time will come where you can express yourself freely. It was created by Paprika Studios.

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