
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Beautiful Lengths: The Gift of Self Image

I just got all my hair cut off!

I have had the majority of the length chopped off, and am sending it to the Beautiful Lengths program, to be made into a wig for a women with cancer who has lost her hair.

I can't imagine the impact of losing your hair, through cancer treatment, stress, genetic conditions, or any of the other host of reasons it may happen.

The truth is that as a very low maintenance kind of girl, I don't do anything with mine. I usually tie it back, cos it annoys me. Which seem blasphemous to me when there are women out there struggling with the experience of losing her hair, her self image, her self confidence.

Of course, being so low maintenance and uncreative, my hair is uncoloured, and untreated with chemicals and heat treatments, the length cut off is a good candidate for this donation. Plus, the strawberry blonde has it's own unique natural highlights.

To donate, your hair length (cut off portion) needs to be at least 20cm, completely dry, and chopped off in a ponytail. I now send off my donation to the address on the website, and they will make a wig from it for a woman looking to retain her self image as she fights off cancer.

The ladies in Clever Cuts in Ballarat humoured me with the task, and took photos for me for this post.

I have been thinking of doing this for some time, and have been very worried about chickening out! But today was the day, ready for my travels, with light and ready-to-go hair with no fuss.

I am dedicating my donation to the memory of Jules, who lost her battle with cancer in November.


  1. Yay! You went ahead with it - such a good cause :) and your haircut looks great :)

    1. Ha ha, thanks! I am loving myself sick!
      Feels so light and easy....and feels pretty good to make the donation!

  2. Ps - you don't look like Grug. But even if you did, know that he is cool and very popular.

    1. My little sister agreed that I don't look like Grug! So relived! Ha!

  3. What??? That is awesome! Make yourself up a great shave page or something, you shouldn't be the only one making a donation for this. Make us fundraise!!

    1. Ha ha ha.
      Maybe this will just inspire other people to...that's all I ask! Or at least know about it.
      But thanks for the comment, love it Sheila Jess!

  4. Monica | The Travel Hack1/13/2013 6:16 AM

    Wow, I can't believe you did this. That's such an amazing and lovely thing to do. How do you feel now you've got short locks? Liberated?

    1. Thanks!
      I was loving myself sick yesterday, after the salon had played with it. Today, after an early morning airport run and a 7 hour flight, and humid weather in my new destination, I am not so sure! Ha! Will take some experimenting!
