
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Jalan Petaling Market

Arriving in Kuala Lumpur this afternoon did not leave loads of time to explore on this first day of my stopover, after making my way to my AirBnB residence for the next two nights - but I was very keen to make my way to one of the night markets I had read so much about.

Taking the monorail, with the station attendant's suggestion, I alighted at a very quiet station, and followed the paper signs to Chinatown. Just when I was starting to doubt the girl's directions, and that of the signs, a street appeared with the Jalan Petaling Market all lit up.

The first section was rows and rows of stalls selling t-shirts and soccer guernseys, watches, handbags, and the usual assorted market wears. Again, I doubted the market, with such limited food smells...but kept making my way through.

With lanterns lit overhead, this market was bustling and full of life. Soon I reached a more open section with some food stops. But right at the end of the market is where the good stalls are, cooking up all sorts of things right there on the street.

There is the hot pot stall, with assorted things all cooking away in pots hanging around eye level to the street. There are stalls and stalls of fruit, some varieties I have never seen before, so colourful!

I ended up eating before I found the satay and assorted skewers stall - I think I know what I will have for dinner tomorrow night! He has everything available, threaded on sticks, ready to be thrown on the grill right there - octopus, satay covered meats, broccoli, corn cobs, yum!

The Maharajalela monorail station was the best option, bringing me through the market stalls, and easy to find from the elevated walkway from the station.


  1. Nice! As for the skewers, locals call it 'Lok Lok'. You should try seeing Petaling Street in the day, go through the lanes and explore more food in there. Have a fun stay here in KL, if you need off-the-beaten-path info, look me up.

    1. Ohhhh, thanks for the comment David! Have loved my little stopover in KL! And really enjoyed the Lok Lok!

  2. I love these types of markets. The food looks so fresh.

  3. Oh my gosh! Complete food envy! I want to go! Thank you for sharing - you're such a great travel writer!
