
Thursday, April 04, 2013

A Year Of Travel - It's Possible!

Today marks one year since my last day at my last real job. When I walked away from it, sold off my furniture and my car, and wheeled my backpack through the silver doors of Customs in Melbourne.

In this past year I have managed to visit Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, and Dominica, then many areas of the USA . I have lived in Canada for 3.5 months, and traveled to bits of that vast country. I finished my Masters degree, completed 2 months of casual locum work whilst housesitting, before heading off again and traveling to Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, Nepal and India.

A bit of travel around my own country. I also attended nine test matches around the world, a handful of Aussie Rules matches, including the Grand Final, and the US Open. Learnt a lot, met some really great people.


If I can do all this, anyone can! Just got to make it a priority - and then take the leap!


  1. The title of this post sums it up perfectly! Yes, it is possible - if you want it bad enough, you can make it happen! And how many people have you met who ended up travelling longer than planned? Whilst for some people it's an 'itch they need to scratch', for others it becomes an addiction that needs constant attention!!

    1. Totally!
      And I would love to keep going - I loved the feeling of being so free! But alas, need to bounce home and save for the next trip....ha!

  2. Wow Tash, it sounds (and looks from your lovely photos) that you had a fantastic time.

    1. I did indeed - now to tuck in and save for the next one!

  3. I think that's impressive but not sure if I'm up for a life like that. I tend to like my routine with the odd holiday or trip away...

  4. This is such an exciting way of living! I love that you have the confidence to do this! Now for your next adventure :)
