
Monday, August 26, 2013

Views Of The CN Tower

How fast a year seems to go! It’s 12 months now since I finished up my Summer in Toronto, and headed back home to Melbourne via New York City and the US Open. A year! To mark the occasion, I am going to give you a selection of the view I was most enamoured with in TO – the glimpse of the CN Tower from all areas of the city.

Right from my first walk around the city on my first weekend, I always got a rush from spotting it. Even in the everyday walk to and from work at the Hospital - I would spot it from the park, and then the view towards the city centre from University Avenue.
There was also a buzz from seeing it lit up at night, and it changing it's colours. The light show gets started just at dusk and runs much of the evening every hour on the hour. It also lights up different colours to commemorate different national holidays and events, which is actually pretty cool. To assist with bird migration, the lighting is dimmed during the autumn months! Wow!

I guess the CN Tower in Toronto is like Big Ben in London and the Empire State Building in NYC. Like the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. That iconic view you look for in the skyline, that tells you where you are.

I remember being a little resistant to going up inside the tower, because I thought that doing that to get a view of the city would be missing the very item of the skyline that you were standing within. Although, it was totally worth the visit!

But one of the best views, of course, remains the one you get from across Ontario Lake on the Toronto Islands.

A year! Seems like no time at all, and yet an age ago all at the same time! I will have to include Toronto again for a visit next year - surely that will fit in with a ticket home from anywhere I may go! Would love to catch up with the people I met when I was there, and also get a glimpse of the CN Tower again!

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